Title Extra Man, The Original Title The Extra Man Production Genre Comedy Running Time 107 Discs 1 Rating EN Rating FI 12 Release FI EAN DVD 7391772337535 DVD Nr 533753 EAN BluRay BluRay Nr Synopsys EN In THE EXTRA MAN, we get to follow Louis, a lonely dreamer who, after an embarrassing situation, must leave his job at an exclusive school in Princeton. He makes his way to New York for a new start in life. Once there, he rents a room from Henry, an eccentric but brilliant playwright who, when he is not writing, moonlights as an “extra man”, an escort for rich widows in Manhattan. Despite a more than 40-year age difference, the two of them develop a friendship that leads them into many unexpected and comical situations. Synopsys FI Actor 1 Kevin Kline Actor 2 Paul Dano Actor 3 Katie Holmes